art based local Non profit organization
We organise and participate in a number of events ranging from workshops, outreaches, training, conferences/summits, exhibitions, campaigns, and also graduation ceremonies for our beneficiaries.
Most are mainly spearheaded by our partners on one hand and our team of dedicated volunteers on the other hand. Some of the events we have participated in include, Breakfast Jam, Hip Hop for Society, Street Kids Christmas Party, Children’s Gala For Hope, Meet the Boss and our very own annual in-house Unseen Me Exhibition.
UnseenMe Exhibition is an exhibition aimed at showcasing to community how much potential children living on the streets possess through enormous talents and art work. It is through this platform that we believe these children can freely express their ideas, talents and break stereotypes conveyed by the general public.
Our very first of this kind happened on 4th February 2017 in Kampala with subsequent editions in 2018 and 2019. This event has seen over 100 children living on the streets showcase different skills through drama, music, art and fashion.
Started in 2017, the unseen me exhibition has grown into not just a network but a safe space where street connected children and vulnerable children from marginalised communities around and beyond Kampala showcase their talents and skills to the general public.
The First Cohort of Women under the Ntunga Program (Hoima Edition) graduated on 18th July 2022 in Hoima amidst invited guests and their parents. Ntunga Hoima is supported by SBC Limited and is carried out in partnership with CoCuDi Centre.
In Partnership with Reminac Studios Enterprises, we launched the first issue of a comic book titled “The StreetMonster” at Kabalaza in Bukoto. The Comic book is aimed at highlighting the plight of street children in Uganda. You can purchase a copy from our online shop.